Shuguang 6SN7-SE GLOBE Shuguang Treasure Series

Delivery date: 7-10 days
Manufacturer: Shuguang
€ 200.00

6SN7-SE GLOBE, Shuguang Treasure Series

6SN7-SE GLOBE, Shuguang Treasure Series

The Shuguang 6SN7-SE GLOBE is setting a new benchmark in almost every aspect; sonical, dynamics, resolution and aesthetic.

This Shuguang Treasure Series is a premium export grade product. Purchased and shipped directly from Shuguang factory to TAD, Germany..

dimensions(aprox.): d(max) = 59mm; h = 84mm (without pins)
NOTE: ensure a minimum distance of 5mm between glas envelopes if you intend to install them side-by-side!
PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save
Quantity 4+ 12+
Price € 95.00 € 90.00
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